A Small Business Thank You

All of us can point to moments in our lives where we were at a crossroads.  I remember the exact moment when I made the decision to pursue photography as a hobby and profession.  I was sitting at the dinner table with my husband, exhausted from a long day of working in my office with no windows (a converted closet space) and a long commute home in the dark. 

I remember the words sitting on my tongue.  I nearly swallowed them with my dinner, but instead decided to let them out.  “I wish I could take pictures for a living,” I said.  You see, I had no formal training.  The only thing I had going for me was an innate artistic ability, and a creative drive that I had been suppressing.  “So do it!” my husband replied.  He knew I had been unhappy at work, and struggling to balance my new role as a mom.  My husband is very efficient and determined, so the moment I said this he began to construct a business plan with me.  I started keeping a notebook of business ideas.  In the weeks following, we purchased some camera equipment online and I began teaching myself to shoot in manual mode and edit my photos.  I took some photos of friends’ babies, and began to build a small portfolio for what would be my website.  I then cut the cord, and quit my job.  A job I had once loved, but was no longer working for me. 

Slowly but surely, I launched the business with help from my husband (an IT professional and finance guru).  That was three and a half years ago, and I am so thankful that I took that leap of faith.  I am grateful to my husband and friends for supporting me, and the many clients who have trusted me to preserve their family memories through photographs.

God works in mysterious ways.  Along with my new business endeavor came some obstacles in my son’s life.  God was calling me to be home with my little boy, and because of the freedom that came along with owning my small business, I was able to do so.  Then in late 2017, we were blessed with an answered prayer as I found out I was pregnant again.  In June 2018 I welcomed a second son, and was able to take three wonderful months off to focus on my family, all thanks to the freedom of owning a small business.

God continued to open doors for my business when I met another local mom/photographer who connected me to an amazing opportunity to rent a studio!  Until this past October, I had been operating out of my home, and with a new baby in the house, I was strongly considering ending that part of my business and only doing on-location photography.  I prayed about it, and just like that, the timing was right - Cute Moose Photography now has a home in Studio Bevy with three other talented photographers.  I am so thankful for this opportunity; one that I didn’t think was financially possible for me at this point in time.

The business simply would not exist without customers, so as a “thank you” in honor of Small Business Saturday, I will be giving away a FREE Family Mini Session redeemable any time in 2019!  Here’s what you have to do to enter:

“Like” the Cute Moose Photography Facebook PAGE

“Share” the Cute Moose Photography Facebook PAGE

“Comment” on the Small Business Saturday Facebook POST by tagging someone for which you are thankful, and why you are thankful for them – let’s spread some love!

I will draw a winner at random at the end of this “Month of Thanks” (November 30th).

Thank you to each and every one of you who have supported my business in any way.  I appreciate it so much.  God bless you and your families this holiday season and beyond!
