Nelle Violette - Newborn Session

What a pleasure to meet sweet Nelle after photographing her parents for their maternity session in May. They did not know what they were having, so the anticipation of Nelle’s arrival had an extra surprise in store. For their sweet baby girls session, we started with lifestyle shots in the nursery, and then moved on to a few posed. Nelle gave a mix of awake and sleepy looks for her newborn images. Both are equally lovely on her! I love her traditional name, with Nelle being inspired by her mamas great-grandmother Nellie. Also, the middle name Violette seemed so appropriate with our maternity session taking on an unexpected purple theme with the many wildflowers that were blooming that day. Because of this, Antique Purple seemed to be the obvious choice for her wraps. I can’t wait to continue to watch Baby Nelle bloom as she grows!

Leonardo Nicholas - Newborn Session

My sweet, new nephew Leo joined us earth side on November 29th. He was quite alert for his session, but did give us a few sleepy moments, and even a smile. He is so loved, and I’m thrilled to be his aunt and personal photographer. Welcome to the world, Leo!

Ellie Jane - Newborn Session

Ellie Jane was just like her sister for her newborn session; an absolute angel! She never fussed, and simply smiled and slept at 10 days new. Like her sister, who I photographed almost exactly two years ago, Ellie has a middle name that honors her Great-Grandmother on her dad’s side of the family, Jane. Her big sis has Jean as a middle name to honor her maternal Great-Grandmother. I love hearing the story behind name choices!

Finnegan Reid - Newborn Session

I am so appreciative to have helped the B Family welcome all three of their babies with newborn sessions. Their third, Finnegan Reid, is adorable just like his siblings. His mommy is a librarian (hence that perfect middle name), so of course we had to incorporate a little bit of literary art with the sweet Peter Rabbit sign that was gifted to her for the nursery. I always love when families want to put a meaningful special touch in their pictures.

Welcome, Finn!

Eleanor Joelle - Newborn Session

I always love to revisit past clients when they have their next baby. Not only do I get to see the new addition, but I also get to see how the big sister or brother has grown. I first met the W Family when I photographed their oldest daughter Veronica two years ago. I was delighted to be invited back to capture their new sweet girl, Eleanor Joelle. “Ellie,” as they will be calling her, was a dream baby, who cooperated for her session. Also a cooperative subject, was big “brother” Bash. When I photographed Veronica, Bash accidentally photobombed a sweet picture where I was peering over Mommy and Daddy’s shoulders to get a shot of the baby. It turned out to be one of my favorite newborn pictures ever, so we just had to recreate it for Ellie. Bash was happy to oblige us, and sat perfectly for the shot.

Holden Leo - Newborn Session

Baby Holden was a perfect angel for his Newborn Session. He slept sweetly, not making a peep, but opened his eyes for some smiley shots toward the end of his shoot. His furry brother even got in for an absolutely perfect portrait! His sweet parents were beaming with pride, and it’s obvious to me that Holden is so loved and welcomed.

Palmer Avery - Newborn Session

Sweet Baby Palmer melted my heart with her smiles, as did big sister Kinsley. She was a natural with her new baby sissy. This session had all the dreamy pastels and tender moments. I can’t wait to watch Palmer grow this year as I document her milestones.