What a pleasure to meet sweet Nelle after photographing her parents for their maternity session in May. They did not know what they were having, so the anticipation of Nelle’s arrival had an extra surprise in store. For their sweet baby girls session, we started with lifestyle shots in the nursery, and then moved on to a few posed. Nelle gave a mix of awake and sleepy looks for her newborn images. Both are equally lovely on her! I love her traditional name, with Nelle being inspired by her mamas great-grandmother Nellie. Also, the middle name Violette seemed so appropriate with our maternity session taking on an unexpected purple theme with the many wildflowers that were blooming that day. Because of this, Antique Purple seemed to be the obvious choice for her wraps. I can’t wait to continue to watch Baby Nelle bloom as she grows!
Leonardo Nicholas - Newborn Session
My sweet, new nephew Leo joined us earth side on November 29th. He was quite alert for his session, but did give us a few sleepy moments, and even a smile. He is so loved, and I’m thrilled to be his aunt and personal photographer. Welcome to the world, Leo!
Ellie Jane - Newborn Session
Ellie Jane was just like her sister for her newborn session; an absolute angel! She never fussed, and simply smiled and slept at 10 days new. Like her sister, who I photographed almost exactly two years ago, Ellie has a middle name that honors her Great-Grandmother on her dad’s side of the family, Jane. Her big sis has Jean as a middle name to honor her maternal Great-Grandmother. I love hearing the story behind name choices!
Finnegan Reid - Newborn Session
I am so appreciative to have helped the B Family welcome all three of their babies with newborn sessions. Their third, Finnegan Reid, is adorable just like his siblings. His mommy is a librarian (hence that perfect middle name), so of course we had to incorporate a little bit of literary art with the sweet Peter Rabbit sign that was gifted to her for the nursery. I always love when families want to put a meaningful special touch in their pictures.
Welcome, Finn!
Eleanor Joelle - Newborn Session
I always love to revisit past clients when they have their next baby. Not only do I get to see the new addition, but I also get to see how the big sister or brother has grown. I first met the W Family when I photographed their oldest daughter Veronica two years ago. I was delighted to be invited back to capture their new sweet girl, Eleanor Joelle. “Ellie,” as they will be calling her, was a dream baby, who cooperated for her session. Also a cooperative subject, was big “brother” Bash. When I photographed Veronica, Bash accidentally photobombed a sweet picture where I was peering over Mommy and Daddy’s shoulders to get a shot of the baby. It turned out to be one of my favorite newborn pictures ever, so we just had to recreate it for Ellie. Bash was happy to oblige us, and sat perfectly for the shot.
Lorenzo Tyler - Newborn Session
It was so fun to return to the L Family’s home to meet their newest little man, Enzo! I’ve had the pleasure of working with this family since their first baby was born three and a half years ago, so we were trying to replicate some of the images I had taken with their first-born, Louie. The starry backdrop was a perfect nod to Louie’s Neverland themed nursery, and also fit perfectly with Enzo’s outer space themed room. I love a good theme, so I was all about it!
During the session, we kept commenting on how similar the brothers looked as newborns, but after seeing their photos side-by-side, we couldn’t believe how different they are at the same time. You can definitely tell these two are brothers, though. Both simply adorable in their own special ways!
Holden Leo - Newborn Session
Baby Holden was a perfect angel for his Newborn Session. He slept sweetly, not making a peep, but opened his eyes for some smiley shots toward the end of his shoot. His furry brother even got in for an absolutely perfect portrait! His sweet parents were beaming with pride, and it’s obvious to me that Holden is so loved and welcomed.
Charley Thomas - Newborn Session
Sweet Charley was absolutely perfect for his newborn session. It was a quiet, rainy morning, and he slept soundly the entire time. I can see on Charley’s face that he is so content. He must feel the love that his family has for him. His big brothers and sister absolutely adore him, as do his doting parents. Congratulations to the entire family on your perfect new addition!
Palmer Avery - Newborn Session
Sweet Baby Palmer melted my heart with her smiles, as did big sister Kinsley. She was a natural with her new baby sissy. This session had all the dreamy pastels and tender moments. I can’t wait to watch Palmer grow this year as I document her milestones.
Mabel Irene - Newborn Session
I first met this sweet family just a month ago for their maternity family session. They didn’t know what they were having, but they did know that the baby was to come any day. I waited to hear news, expecting it within the next week or two, but instead I didn’t hear from them for a little while. As it turns out, little Miss Mabel was overdue, which is often uncommon when the child is not the first in the family. She came when she was good and ready, and I was relieved to hear that she came into the world safe and healthy.
Her name is one you don’t hear often. It’s a nod to relatives on both sides of the family, and perfectly vintage. I love the old-fashioned names that are coming back in style! Little Mabel is so loved by her parents and big brother Sam. I can’t wait to see her again in six short months!
Maximus Cain - Newborn Photography Session
Baby Max was my last session of 2019! He arrived a few weeks earlier than planned, and is so loved! It was evident that his mommy and older siblings, especially his sisters, are absolutely smitten with him.
Welcome to the world, Max!
Aubrey Mae - Newborn Photography
Sweet Baby Aubrey was such a joy to photograph. Such a content baby. Her big sister Mackenzie was equally as fun with her sweet personality. Such a beautiful family, in an equally gorgeous home. I used to be nervous about in-home sessions because there are so many things out of the photographer’s control…mainly lighting and background! But now I look at it as a fun challenge for me to find the perfect shot, and I always enjoy the results. Shooting at home gives the client a chance to be super comfortable, and their ease and happiness comes across in the pictures more naturally. Plus, they can incorporate some elements that may be too big to transport to the studio, like that gorgeous wicker bassinet, which was used by Aubrey’s daddy as a baby. I always love a family heirloom in photos.
Thank you for having me, C Family! Welcome to the world, Aubrey Mae!
Luca John & Laken Nicole - Newborn Photography
Twenty tiny fingers and twenty tiny toes…Twins! Laken and Luca were a dream to photograph! They arrived with full tummies and slept so well the whole time. They’re so, so sweet, and filled the studio with the most delicious newborn smell! I can’t wait to photograph them again in six months!
Clare Jean - Newborn Photography
Sweet Clare was an angel for her session. She slept peacefully as I chatted with her mommy and grandma, and learned about the unique story behind her name. Clare was named for County Clare in Ireland, a place her parents had visited together. Clare, of course, donned a green swaddle to pay homage to her Irish roots, and also brought along some other props with a story. The stuffed dog, in particular, was a sentimental prop for her family, as they lost their dog Rooney shortly before Clare was born. He looked a lot like the stuffed animal. Clare also wore a Phillies headband and baby booties for her dad who is originally from Philadelphia. But as Clare’s mom made clear, that is the only Philly team Clare will cheer on.
Welcome to the world, Clare! You were a dream to photograph!
Avelyn Rose - Newborn/Family Photography
The C Family looked perfect for their session with newborn daughter Avelyn. Big sister Graciela was also turning two just a few days after Avelyn was born, so their session was celebrating that special milestone as well. I absolutely LOVED the color scheme and coordinating sister outfits they chose. Miss Avelyn was such a good baby, and slept sweetly the entire time, even when her big sister was playing with pumpkins all around her! Happy Birthday to both girls!
Cameron John - Newborn Photography
October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, and it is my privilege to be able to feature this amazing family on my blog. I first met Erin and Dan when I worked at March of Dimes. They were some of our best volunteers, and Dan, who works for the Pittsburgh Pirates, championed our cause with the team and organization. Sadly, their volunteerism was prompted by their own story of loss. In 2007, their twin boys Ethan and Casey passed away. In Erin’s words, life without these little boys, for whom they had such big plans, was empty and soul-crushing.
Through volunteering and helping others, they began to heal, and happily have now welcomed three rainbow babies into their family. Their older daughters, Kaelin and Kelsey, and now their sweet little guy Cameron, who just joined them last month.
For those who aren’t familiar, the term “rainbow baby” refers to a baby born to a family after they have experienced a loss. Even after the darkest storms, a rainbow can appear.
I am so happy for the Hart family, and feel honored that they asked me to photograph the little man who was destined to be theirs; Cameron John.
Ponchito - Newborn Photography
Gerardo Alfonso (aka Ponchito) is named for his grandfather. Ponchito or Ponchi is the nickname for Alfonso in the Spanish language. The cute little name is so fitting for this sweet baby brother to big sister Lupita. Both of their names are shortened versions of family names - which I love!
The family wanted to highlight their love of Disney’s The Lion King in their pictures, so I again had the privilege of photographing a sweet little lion cub costume. And of course, we had to do that iconic Lion King pose.
Welcome to the ‘circle of life,’ Ponchito!
Adrian Ryan - Newborn Photography
This session produced so many dreamy images. Little Adrian was so sweet and sleepy for most of it, which made my job easy. I so enjoyed meeting him and his parents, who brought along the most perfect bear props to compliment his woodland nursery at home. The blue bear was extra special, as it was his daddy’s when he was a baby.
Veronica Ann - Newborn Photography
This darling girl and her precious fur brother Bash, were so well-behaved for their in-studio session. She slept soundly for most of it, and he was very concerned about his sister at all times. It was so sweet. When he decided on his own to be in the background of that first shot, I knew we were capturing a perfect candid moment and kept shooting away.
What a beautiful family, and perfect baby girl!
Knox Matthew - Newborn Photography
Baby Knox stole my heart during his in-home newborn session, especially when he put on that lion mane and was serving some ‘tude! There is something about a little grumpy baby face that is sooo sweet. In all seriousness, though, he was a little angel for his session. Such a pleasant, little guy. Looking all around, taking in his new home. I am so happy for his proud parents!