The W Family - Maternity Session

Winter…The season of waiting.

Waiting for Baby. Waiting for Spring.

As the W Family anxiously awaits the arrival of their new addition, they’ve been snuggling up inside their cozy home in the picturesque countryside watching the snow fall. Here in western Pennsylvania, we’ve had snow on the ground since Christmas. A full month of snow on snow on snow. It forces us to slow down. To rest. To wait.

I was thrilled when Darcy requested we do this session outside on their property. A few years ago, we did her first maternity session here, as well, and their land was blooming with purple wildflowers. Now, the ground is covered in white, but still just as stunning a backdrop to compliment this growing family.

Some things still grow in Winter.

Nelle is One! - First Birthday Session

It has been my pleasure to capture sweet baby Nelle from bump to baby to big girl! She is a real joy to photograph! For her First Birthday session, we explored her family’s beautiful backyard, which also happens to be the location of her mom’s maternity photos exactly one year prior. On the day of the maternity session, the property was covered with purple wildflowers, which we incorporated into the session, so of course, we had to do the same for the first birthday.

In addition to the flowers, we also did a cake smash, featuring the pearls of Nelle’s great-great-grandmother, her namesake, and also a strawberry milk bath! It’s strawberry season, and felt so appropriate for this little country girl.

Happy 1st Birthday to this lil’ strawberry shortcake!

Darcy & Andrew - Maternity Session

When looking for inspiration for her maternity session, Darcy need not look further than her own backyard. Her beautiful, rural property was popping with greens and purples, and her gorgeous gown matched just right. We incorporated the wildflowers for her formal look, and then switched it up for more casual poses in her adorable overalls. A perfect look for the setting! Baby-to-be is going to have so much fun adventuring in their backyard with Mom, Dad, and “big sis” Maisy at their side.