The W Family - Maternity Session

Winter…The season of waiting.

Waiting for Baby. Waiting for Spring.

As the W Family anxiously awaits the arrival of their new addition, they’ve been snuggling up inside their cozy home in the picturesque countryside watching the snow fall. Here in western Pennsylvania, we’ve had snow on the ground since Christmas. A full month of snow on snow on snow. It forces us to slow down. To rest. To wait.

I was thrilled when Darcy requested we do this session outside on their property. A few years ago, we did her first maternity session here, as well, and their land was blooming with purple wildflowers. Now, the ground is covered in white, but still just as stunning a backdrop to compliment this growing family.

Some things still grow in Winter.

Gina & Nick - Maternity Session

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new pumpkin in my family. My sister-in-law Gina is due on Thanksgiving! This will be the 5th grandson on my husband’s side of the family. We are all very excited to welcome this new, little train engineer, and complete the cousin basketball team!

The B Family - Family Maternity Session

The B Family are some of my repeat clients, and I’ve loved watching their sweet family grow. For Baby #3, they wanted a quick mini session featuring the whole family - just a few summery pictures to capture their last days as a family of four.

Their new little guy is already here, and soo adorable! I’ll be sharing some photos of him later this week!

The L Family - Maternity Session

I so enjoy working with Torrie and her family. She and her husband Nick are creative-types like myself, and always bring such great ideas to the table. Like me, they get excited over things like lighting and color, and have very clear visions about what they’d like to create in their sessions.

Originally, we had planned for a winter maternity session in the snow, but then Torrie opted for a more classic blank slate type of background so the photos will look timeless on their walls. I totally agree with her point, and I’m so happy with the way these turned out!

She really wanted black & white shots, and found a perfect black maternity dress (in which she looks stunning!) to contrast the walls. We also did a few shots in the study at their new home, which I had to do in color because of that beautiful green! The bookshelf background is so perfect for these two teachers to showcase their growing family in front of.

Of course, big-brother-to-be Louie got in there for a few shots too, looking so handsome! I can’t wait to meet their next little man in less than 2 months!