Hadley is Six Months! - Baby Portrait Session

I had so much fun photographing Hadley for her six month session. She and her family looked great in their stylish outfits, and she brought loads of personality along with her high fashion! There must be a tooth on the way, because her sweet little tongue kept popping out! I also love the shots of her biting her lips. Such an absolute doll!

Mabel is One! - First Birthday Session

I first met Mabel when she was still in her mommy’s tummy. Over the past year of photographing her, she has become one of my favorite subjects! She ALWAYS brings the smiles, has the best outfits, and the most beautiful blue eyes. As the kids say, she understood the assignment. Happy 1st Birthday, Miss Mabel!

The H Family - Family Mini Session

It was a pleasure to again meet up with the H family for a quick mini session in downtown Harmony! This family has the unique distinction of being the last family I photographed before the pandemic. Now that we are happily (and hopefully) on the upswing of things, I’m seeing more and more of my former clients. It was great to see how much their sweet daughter Annie has grown. She was giving me some major Goldilocks vibes in front of the log cabin.

Lakyn & Luca are One! - First Birthday Session

These two never disappoint! They bring the cuteness and the smiles every time. It has been a joy to photograph their first year of life, from newborns to one-year-olds bursting with personality. Lakyn & Luca, I wish you the very best and most fun Mickey and Minnie 1st birthday party! And to mom and dad, congrats on surviving year one x 2!